Xabiel Lete,Oiartzunen jaio zen 1944ko apirilaren 5ean,eta Donostian hil zen 2010ko abenduaren 4an.
Xabier euskal idazle,poeta eta kantaria izan zen.Gazterik hasi zen idazten,eta bere artikukuak ohiko bihurtu ziren Zeruko Argia aldizkarian.
Euskal Kantagintza Berriko partaide nagusietarikoa izan zen.Beste kantari ospetsuekin batera,abian jarri zuen Ez Dok Amairu taldea.Taldea desegin zenean,bere emaztearekin (Lourdes Iriondo) batera,kantagintzan jarraitu zuen.
Xabiel Lete 2010ean,ohorezko euskaltzain izendatu zuten. Urte hortan hil zen,abenduaren 4an.
Xabier Lete started to write poetry in 1964 and published his first book of poems in 1969."Egunetik egunera orduen gurpilean" (From day to day in the wheels of the hours). In this work it was noticeable the repercussion of Gabriel Aresti's social poetry and Lete used his words to denounce injustices society was living at those time.
The second book of poems was published in 1974 and its name was "Bigarren poema liburua" (Second book of poems). This work was much more intimate than the first one.
The next book of poems came in 1981. "Urrats desbideratuak" (The diverted steps) in which the language became stronger and the poems where the reflex of the pessimism and despair giving way to philosophical thoughts.
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